Founding of the Korean People’s Army.

The North Korean Military is known as the KPA (Korean People’s Army 조선인민군) and was founded 73 years ago today on 8th February, 1948. It originated from the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, which was was established on 25 April 1932 by Kim Il Sung.

Images from North Korean Photographers

I recently posted some North Korean photos on Facebook which I received through unofficial channels. Meaning these photos are not part of the official state media like the KCNA. I’m excited to be seeing stuff that isn’t already published on the internet. Especially since foreigners cannot currently visit due to COVID-19. 저는 최근 비공식경로를 통해서 받은 북조선의 사진을 페이스북에 올렸습니다. 말하자면 KCNA와 같은 국가공식매체로부터 받은 사진이 아니었습니다. 아직까지 인터넷을 통해 공개되지 않은 사진을 본다는 것은 매우 흥분되는 일이었습니다. 특별히 지금처럼 코로나바이러스로 인해 외국인들이 북조선을 방문할 수 없는 경우에는 더욱 그렇습니다.

75th Anniversary of the DPRK Worker’s Party Founding Day – High Resolution Photos

I have received a collection of high resolution images from the 75th Workers’ Party Founding Day parade. These official state released photos were sent direct from Pyongyang and will be made available for viewing here.

75th Anniversary of the DPRK Worker’s Party Founding Day

Without doubt, the most lavish parade that’s held in Pyongyang would often be during the Founding Day of the Korean Worker’s Party every 10th of October. These extra grand parades are held every 5 years interval, so this year (2020) being the 75th year would mean this parade will hold great significance. The next big one will be in 2025 for their 80th year anniversary.
평양에서 거행되는 가장 호화로운 행진은, 의심의 여지없이 10월 10일에 개최되는 조선로동당 창건일 행진일 것이다. 이 웅장하고 거대한 행진은 매 5년마다 열리는데, 올해로서2020년) 75주년을 맞는 매우 큰 의미를 갖는 행사이다. 다음 행사는 2025년에 열리는 80주년 행사이다.

Anti-US Posters

Anti-US war posters have long been the staple of North Korean culture and was ubiquitous across the country until 2018 when they were completely removed

Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum

The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum was first built in Central Pyongyang in August 1953. It was moved to its present-day location next to the Potong River in April 1963 and underwent major renovations in 2013.

Juche Tower

The Tower of Juche Ideology was built in 1982 to commemorate the 70th birthday of President Kim Il Sung and sits prominently by the Taedong River. I was told by the local guide that the tower was built with 25,550 granite blocks, each representing a day in President Kim Il Sung’s life up until his […]

Samhung Station

Samhung Station (삼흥역) is situated along the Hyoksin line (혁신선) in Pyongyang. Because it is in-between the Kim Il Sung University and the University of Foreign Studies, many of North Korea’s best and brightest students use this station.