Ganghwa County Visit – 2023 January
Follow me as I explore Ganghwa County in South Korea to photograph life along the border of North Korea
Follow me as I explore Ganghwa County in South Korea to photograph life along the border of North Korea
The North Korean Military is known as the KPA (Korean People’s Army 조선인민군) and was founded 73 years ago today on 8th February, 1948. It originated from the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, which was was established on 25 April 1932 by Kim Il Sung.
You have probably already seen all the official state published photos from North Korea regarding the 10th October military parade. If you crave for more images, I have a specially curated collection of unofficial photos published online for the first time ever.
북조선에서 공식배포한 10월 10일 열병식 사진을 모두 보셨습니다. 더 많은 사진을 보기 원하시는 분들을 위해, 온라인 최초로 비공식 사진들을 공개하는 특별전시를 합니다.
I have received a collection of high resolution images from the 75th Workers’ Party Founding Day parade. These official state released photos were sent direct from Pyongyang and will be made available for viewing here.
Through my travels around North Korea, I’ve observed several different types of vehicle license plates. The Korean prefix before the numbers all represent the province which the vehicle comes from. Naturally, the prefix you’ll see the most often is “평양” because it stands for Pyongyang and that’s the area with the largest automobile numbers. The license plates are differentiated by color with each color representing a different category.
제가 북한을 두루 여행하는 동안 관찰한 여러종류의 차량번호판에 대해 이야기해보겠습니다. 숫자 앞에 있는 조선어는 그 차량이 등록된 지역을 말합니다. 번호판에 ‘평양’이라는 글자를 가장 많이 볼수 있는데요, 그 이유는 평양이 가장 많은 차량이 등록된 곳이기 때문에 그렇습니다. 차량 번호판은 색상으로도 구분할수 있고, 각각의 색상으로 차량의 범주를 알수 있습니다.
Changjon Street represented the beginning of a wave of “modernization projects” that would see multiple new-towns like Mirae Scientists Street (미래과학자거리) and Ryomyong New Town (려명거리신도시) sprout up across Pyongyang.
The life of a North Korean outside of the cities and towns revolves primarily around agriculture. One of the biggest changes in recent years has been the allowance of farmers to decide for themselves what they want to grow; as long as state production requirements are met…