Google Ads on DPRK 360

To date, 4 of my readers sent me messages regarding advertisements on my website. They felt that advertisements are a product of capitalism, are an eyesore, and that I should remove all advertising. While it is only a very small number that somehow felt irritated by Google Ads, I felt I should at least explain […]

Vehicle License Plates of North Korea

Through my travels around North Korea, I’ve observed several different types of vehicle license plates. The Korean prefix before the numbers all represent the province which the vehicle comes from. Naturally, the prefix you’ll see the most often is “평양” because it stands for Pyongyang and that’s the area with the largest automobile numbers. The license plates are differentiated by color with each color representing a different category.
제가 북한을 두루 여행하는 동안 관찰한 여러종류의 차량번호판에 대해 이야기해보겠습니다. 숫자 앞에 있는 조선어는 그 차량이 등록된 지역을 말합니다. 번호판에 ‘평양’이라는 글자를 가장 많이 볼수 있는데요, 그 이유는 평양이 가장 많은 차량이 등록된 곳이기 때문에 그렇습니다. 차량 번호판은 색상으로도 구분할수 있고, 각각의 색상으로 차량의 범주를 알수 있습니다.

Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum

The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum was first built in Central Pyongyang in August 1953. It was moved to its present-day location next to the Potong River in April 1963 and underwent major renovations in 2013.

Kaesong Old Town

The Kaesong Old Town survived the Japanese occupation and was also spared destruction during the Korean War. This entire area with old Korean style buildings date back from the Joseon period and are a unique cultural heritage to North Korea. 개성 한옥마을은 일제강점기를 견뎌내었을 뿐 아니라 한국전쟁의 포화로부터도 살아남은 곳입니다. 이곳 전체는 조선시대에 세워진 한옥들로 구성되어 있는 독특한 북한의 문화유산입니다.

Kim Il Sung Square 2014 – High-Resolution Photo

Zoom-able, high-resolution photo of Kim Il Sung Square photographed on 2014 June 9th, 8:05 am. This photo is 40,976 × 7,249 pixels at over 221mb. Please be patient while the image loads in the background. Use your mouse to navigate the image.

Does North Korea have COVID-19?

The COVID-19 virus has reached every continent on the planet, except Antarctica. Singapore, my home country, once acclaimed as the “gold standard” for COVID-19 response has been humbled to a cautionary tale in recent months. I have been in lockdown at home since April 2020 and time passes really slowly. 남극대륙을 제외한 전세계가 코로나19 바이러스로 감염되었습니다. […]

Oxford BM35222 (472 pieces) Joint Security Area 옥스포드 BM35222(472조각), 공동경비구역

Because of COVID-19, my planned trip to the DPRK was canceled and my country (Singapore) is on lock-down. I’m stuck at home most of the time except to make grocery runs. 코로나바이러스로 인해 북한여행 계획이 취소되었습니다. 게다가 싱가포르가 이동제한을 실시함에 따라, 시간의 거의 대부분을 집에 콕 박혀있어야만 했습니다. 식료품을 사러 나가는 일 빼놓고 말이죠. With […]

Juche Tower

The Tower of Juche Ideology was built in 1982 to commemorate the 70th birthday of President Kim Il Sung and sits prominently by the Taedong River. I was told by the local guide that the tower was built with 25,550 granite blocks, each representing a day in President Kim Il Sung’s life up until his […]

Hyangsan Hotel

Constructed in 1986 and completely renovated in 2010, the Hyangsan Hotel is a North Korean rated 6-star hotel. Internationally, that would be a 5-star equivalent.

Animal Crossing – Korean Unification Shirt and Flag 동물의 숲(Animal Crossing)- 통일기와 통일셔츠

I created a Korean Unification downloadable design for your characters in Animal Crossing (for Nintendo Switch) and provided the installation steps.