Kim Il Sung Square 2016 – High-Resolution Photo
Zoom-able, high-resolution photo of Kim Il Sung Square photographed on 2016 July 9th, 2:54 pm. This photo is 72483 × 15153 pixels at over 1000mb. Please be patient while the image loads in the background. Use your mouse to navigate the image.
The 1000 megapixel photo was captured using a Sony α6300 with a Zeiss 16-70mm f/4. A total of 72 photos were shot and stitched together to create the panoramic image. Every photo captured had about 1/3 overlap with the adjacent photo.

The crowds you see gathering at Kim Il-sung Square are locals practicing a torch-lit parade routine for the 9th Congress of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League on the 27th and 28th August 2016. Marshal Kim Jong Un and other high ranking officials would be attending the event so everyone’s practicing extremely hard to ensure the parade will be perfect.