Arirang Mass Games 2013
Held in Pyongyang, the “Grand Mass Gymnastics and Artistic Performance Arirang” (아리랑 축제) is a display of dance, acrobatic prowess and their interpretation of historical events leading up to the present day. The event always ends off with the focus on Korean reunification and peace. The full video of the event is at the end of this article.

360도 사진 감상을 위해 클릭하세요.
In 2007, the Guinness World Records recognized it as the largest gymnastic display with over 100,000 participants. North Koreans spend months in training leading up to this event.

I had the opportunity to attend one of the last few displays held in 2013 before it was scrapped for the next 5 years. It was only in 2018 that such an event relaunched under the label “Glorious Motherland Mass Games”

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