#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Yeonmijeong 연미정 is 4 km away from Kaesong. You can have a good view of North Korea from this place ### Title tour.name = Yeonmijeong 연미정 | DPRK 360 ## Skin ### Tooltip IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen WebFrame_B7566A34_BCB0_6BDF_41E6_58FA2992927E.toolTip = Google Ads ## Media ### Subtitle panorama_5840DCDF_5693_A962_41CA_5BFA013C977F.subtitle = Yeonmijeong 연미정 is 4 km away from Kaesong. You can have a good view of North Korea from this place ### Title panorama_5840DCDF_5693_A962_41CA_5BFA013C977F.label = Yeonmijeong 연미정