#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = As of 2020, this is still the world's first and only floating camera 360° panoramic view of the Mansudae Grand Monument captured with the express permission of ### Title tour.name = Mansudae Grand Monument Floating View ## Skin ### Tooltip IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen WebFrame_B7566A34_BCB0_6BDF_41E6_58FA2992927E.toolTip = Google Ads ## Media ### Subtitle panorama_071352F8_0D8C_62A4_4194_E36E38B4247F.subtitle = As of 2020, this is still the world's first and only floating camera 360° panoramic view of the Mansudae Grand Monument captured with the express permission of the DPRK government. ### Title album_020F5784_0D94_636C_4176_7BA0D8485062.label = Photo Album MonumentToPartyFounding album_020F5784_0D94_636C_4176_7BA0D8485062_0.label = MonumentToPartyFounding panorama_071352F8_0D8C_62A4_4194_E36E38B4247F.label = Mansudae Grand Monument - Floating View ## Popup ### Body htmlText_039D67C7_0D94_62EC_41A4_119C9CBED7B5.html =